Questions D1 and D may be applicable to a foster care case if the target child was reunified or placed on a trial home visit during the period under review (PUR). In responding to these two questions, reviewers must consider whether the safety-related incidents outlined in D1 were present in the foster care case while the target child is or was in the family home. For instance, recurring maltreatment may occur in a foster care case, so reviewers must determine whether this question is applicable to the foster care case being reviewed. The other safety incidents outlined in D1 occur with the child’s family, typically in the family home, and may be applicable to a foster care case if the target child was reunified or placed on a trial home visit during the PUR. Questions E1 and E consider safety issues specifically related to visitation with family members (visitation here refers to periodic visitation and not a trial home visit) and Questions F1 and F focus specifically on safety issues that occur in the child’s foster care placements and/or with foster parents.
Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate.